Ignorance is bliss…

Certainly, the statement has merit. We are living proof of that. Had we known all that we were going to face four years ago when we started brainstorming ideas for our innovative classroom, chances are we would have thought twice about it (and possibly had our heads examined!) Like all worthwhile experiences, however, we could not have ended up where we are today without the rocky road that led us here. When you set out on a new course, you are alone. There are few examples to follow, and as such, you are the ones who must pave the path for others. With the endless hours of work, frustration, and feelings of isolation, there were many times when we considered giving up. We are so happy that we did not throw the towel in. We have come to a place where we know that we still have far to go, but we are filled with pride, joy, and exhilaration as we realize that what we are doing is changing the lives of children.

5 thoughts on “Ignorance is bliss…

  1. Sometimes I have had thoughts like this…They were more related to the idea that I would be happier if I didn’t know all of the new ideas, changes, and facts. Once I did, I had to do something about it. I haven’t always been happy about that. Lol.

    • It is that drive that keeps us going and makes our learning environments better each year! Keep up the good work!

  2. You are so right. Ignorance IS bliss! I think many of us would be tempted to stay on the path we are already traveling if we truly understood how the new road would test us. Being a pioneer is difficult, and as you said, many of us are alone. I started using interactive notebooks two years ago. The learning curve was steep and isolating. Even after presenting workshops about the positive changes I am seeing, I am still the only teacher in my district who uses them. These notebooks have forced me out of my comfort zone but have guided me to so many new friends and communities. I have technology to thank for that, and I am grateful for those opportunities for professional growth.

    • We use interactive notebooks in our classroom and have seen great reflection, deep thinking, and organizational skills all improve. Keep doing what you are doing and others will eventually follow!

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